Accounts And Inventory Software

Following are the basic features for Accounts and Inventory Management System.

– Chart of Items with ItemType, brand etc.
– Chart of Accounts
– Customers/Suppliers setup
– All Kinds of Vouchers (like journal voucher, receiving voucher, payment voucher, bank
– Sales Order/ Back Order
– Sales Invoice (GST / NON GST)
– Purchasing
– Sale and purchase returns.
– User Security System (Create new user , change password and user permissions).

– Customer Limits Monitoring
– Stock Limits Monitoring
– SMS Generation on Defined Events like Invoicing, Purchasing, Sales Order Generation.
– Email Generation on Defined Events like Invoicing, Purchasing, Sales Order Generation.

– Sales Invoice Print
– Sales, Purchase Registers
– Voucher Registers
– Stock Position
– Stock Ledger
– General Ledger for every account
– Trial Balance
– Party Receivables
– Supplier Payables
– Sales reports custome wise, item wise, brand wise, product wise , item type wise.
– Customer Ageing
– GST Related Reports