Dairy Farm Live Stock Management

Dairy Farm Management, Cattle Farm Management,Goat Farm Management, Herd Management With Accounts and Risk Management, for the first time in PAKISTAN.

Below are the features of the Software

No of live stocks by breed type & sex
Total milk production by month wise
Total feed consumption by month wise
Total revenues, expenses by month wise
Health related activities with pregancy and after delivery dues in next one week
Drying off dues in next one week

Live Stock/Cattle/Goat Management

Breed details, date of birth/age, physical characteristics, lactation details, drying off status etc…
Health details – vaccination, De-worming and diseases history for each live stock
Reproduction details – semen number, pregnancy test date & result, calf birth date & sex
Body weight recordings

Milk Production

Live Stock/Cattle daily milk production – morning/evening
Farm level daily milk production – morning/evening

Female Event Management

1 Abortion
2 Artificial Insemination
3 Change Location / Lot No.
4 Dry Off
5 Natural Mating
6 Physical Condition
7 Pregnancy Diagnosis
8 Register Calf
9 Removal
10 Treatment
11 Service


Provision to define feeding strategy for each state of livestock (calf/heifer/herd) and for each feed type
Feeding history (system will generate based on feeding strategy defined)

Ingredients list & rate
Feed formulas & cost

Financial Management

All expenses & revenues tracker
Auto expense, revenue & profit report up to date

Stock Management

Maintains & keep track of all stocks in the dairy farm
Maintain minimum balance of each stock and alerts when it goes down below min stock level

Vendor Management

Maintains the key information about each vendor
Categorization of vendors (buyers, sellers etc…)

Employee Management

Maintains the employee records and their wages.

Asset Management

Maintains & keep track of all assets in the dairy farm