Homeopathic Software

This product has complete homeopathic medicine features. All Homeopathic product potency and packing are cater in this product. Apart from all accounts and inventory features it contain sales order, delivery note, distributor management and detailed /Summary sales report.

– Chart of Items with Potency, Packing and Type. (To manage dillutions, Combinations, Mother Tinctures , Packings and Potency – 3x 6x 30 200 1M)
– Chart of Accounts
– Customers/Suppliers setup
– All Kinds of Vouchers (like journal voucher, receiving voucher, payment voucher, bank
– Sales Order/ Back Order
– Sales Invoice
– Purchasing
– Sale and purchase returns.
– User Security System (Create new user , change password and user permissions).

– Customer Limits Monitoring
– Stock Limits Monitoring
– SMS Generation on Defined Events like Invoicing, Purchasing, Sales Order Generation.
– Email Generation on Defined Events like Invoicing, Purchasing, Sales Order Generation.

– Sales Invoice Print
– Sales, Purchase Registers
– Voucher Registers
– Stock Position
– Stock Ledger
– General Ledger for every account
– Trial Balance
– Party Receivables
– Supplier Payables
– Sales reports custome wise, item wise, brand wise, product wise , item type wise.